The Optimist is a small, single-handed sailing dinghy intended for use by children up to the age of 15.
It is one of the most popular sailing dinghies in the world, with over 150,000 boats officially registered with the class and many more built but never registered.

The Optimist was designed in 1947 by American Clark Mills at the request of the Clearwater Florida Optimist service club following a proposal by Major Clifford McKay to offer low-cost sailing for young people. He designed a simple pram that could be built from three sheets of plywood, and donated the plan to the Optimists.The design was standardized in 1960 and became a strict One-Design in 1995.
The Optimist is sailed in over 120 countries and is recognised as an International Class by the International Sailing Federation.

The Port Sailing Optimists are maintained in top condition for the children first experience at sea. They sail solo or by teams of two, depending on age and experience.
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